Scripture Verses

2 Corinthians 4:16-18, 1 Timothy 4:7-10, Ephesians 3:14-21,

Worship Playlist

Call Upon the Lord by Elevation Worship

Great Are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters

Awake My Soul by Chris Tomlin

Sons & Daughters by North Point Worship

Study Questions

1. What are you dealing with that exhausts you? What are you not doing or facing that may be contributing to your exhaustion?

2. Which of the scripture passages in this week’s sermon were most helpful to you? Explain why.

3. How does a Christian plug in the inner strength God provides? How does this inner strength enliven and energize us?

4. Ask God to reorder your body, heart, spirit, and mind as he strengthens you with power. What specific thing(s) do you plan to do this week to pursue the revitalization found through the Spirit?

Exhaustion. Tiredness. Fatigue. God has a cure for our weariness. He prescribes that we abide in Him to heal our exhausted souls. To abide means to last or endure. It means to stay, to continue, to dwell. Could it be that we are exhausted because we neglect the Holy Spirit within us? If you would like times of refreshing, take steps to open yourself to the Holy Spirit. Read God’s Word each day. Pause to reflect and listen. Confess your sin. Set some regular moments throughout the day to acknowledge the Holy Spirit and listen for His guidance. God provides inner strengthening through: Faith, Hope, Love.

Goal: I am becoming a Spirit-led person, daily seeking the leading and power of God's Spirit as a means of transformation, instead of relying on myself.

God Breathes When I'm Exhausted

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 5/3/2020
Holy Spirit