For students 6th–12th grade, our student ministry is dedicated to creating an authentically connective environment for them to experience God in a real and powerful way. From the fun atmosphere to the crazy games, everything we do is about making Christ-centered kingdom workers. We offer Sunday morning Student Classes during our 10:30 AM service. On the last Sunday of each month, we worship in the main worship center as a student section during the 10:30 AM service. Details for youth group are listed below.

Who |
6th–8th graders |
When |
Wednesdays 6–7:30 | doors open at 5:45 PM | pick up by 7:45
Where |
Student Rooms |
(217) 529-2513 |
Strategically crafted for 6th–8th graders, Lakeside’s Junior High Ministry is exciting and engaging. We provide a safe place for teens to discover and deepen their own faith.
And, in case the Junior High years aren’t crazy enough, we kick it up a notch by incorporating popular events and games that relate to today’s youth. Engaging games, inspiring messages, and small group time with their leaders and peers make each Wednesday night experience unforgettable.
Serve with Jr. High Ministry

Who |
9th–12th graders |
When |
Sundays 6–7:30 | doors open at 5:45 | pick up or leave by 7:45 |
Where |
Student Rooms |
(217) 529-2513 |
Designed to meet 9th–12th graders right where they are, Lakeside’s Senior High Ministry provides an authentic and encouraging environment where they can connect with God in a real and powerful way.
Through high-energy music, crazy games, inspiring messages, and small group time with their leaders and peers, this Sunday night experience will speak to teens. No matter where your teens are in their faith journey, we have a place for them.
Serve with Sr. High Ministry