Scripture Verses

1 Peter 2:!1-12, 1 Peter 2:13-17, 1 Peter 2:18-20, 1 Peter 3:1-7

Worship Playlist

Call Upon the Lord by Elevation Worship

Shout by Passion

You Make Me Brave by Hillsong

You Never Let Go by Passion

Study Questions

  1. When have you faced injustice because of your faith? Do you know of someone who has?
  2. How does God work through injustice for His people?
  3. How do the injustices Jesus experienced bring hope to those facing oppression?
  4. Read Hebrews 13:1-3. What can you do to remember the mistreated or imprisoned for Christ? How do you express love for your suffering brothers and sisters in Christ?


Read and reread 1 Peter each week over this sermon series. One of the shorter books of the Bible, it takes just 16 minutes to read. The full text is in your Stand Firm sermon series booklet. You can also read it or listen to it read in various translations at 

Stand Firm In the Face of Cruelty and Injustice

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 10/25/2020
1 Peter  Brave  Cruelty  Government  Injustice  Marriage  Oppression  Politics  Tyranny  Work