Adult Classes at Lakeside

Try out one of our ongoing adult classes meeting every Sunday. Come for worship service and while you are here, sit in on some great lessons about topics you'll find interesting.

· 9:00 am Faithweavers class in Room 109 .
· 9:00 am Kingdom Builders class in Room 120.
· 10:30 am True Believers class in Room 120.
· 10:30 am Bereans class Room 109.
No need to sign up. Just find the classroom and join any of these classes this Sunday. If you have children, our children's programming during both hours will provide them with great growing and learning opportunities geared for their age.

Men’s Galatians Study Group. Find out what God asks of his followers and how we can live out our faith in both obedience and freedom. We’ll meet every other week for 12 weeks. Join us for an informational meeting on Thursday, August 29 at 6:30 pm in Room 109. If you have questions, contact or