
Honduras Medical Mission Trip. A team of Lakesiders arrived in Honduras May 29th and will be working for about a week with the Lenca people through a medical clinic, a church leaders meeting, a women’s ministry and a building project. Pray that the Good News will be proclaimed with words and actions.

Lincoln Christian University Day. On June 24, Dr Bob Monts, associate professor of Christian Ministry at Lincoln Christian University will be our guest at Lakeside. Dr. Monts will be leading our Saturday seminars on marriage and parenting on June 16th and 23rd. Then on Sunday, June 24, Dr. Monts will be bringing our message and will have an LCU display in the lobby. LCU is one of the key missions Lakeside supports on a monthly basis. The university'smission is to nurture and equip Christians with a Biblical worldview to serve and lead in the church and the world.