Revelation Study

Wednesdays 6-7:30 PM | Lakeside Worship Center | September 15-Nov 17 | Children’s Programming Concurrent

Revelation 1:3 states that those who read, hear, and heed the book are blessed. Yet, many of us have not even read it. It’s likely that most of us have watched a movie or read a book about Revelation but have not actually read the book. Why? Do any of the following reasons resonate with you?

• Revelation is too confusing, and I just can’ make sense of it.

• It seems so unbelievable. Is it real or just hyperbole?

• I just can’t reconcile it with God’s love or the Jesus of the gospels.

• I don’t like the Jesus of Revelation and would prefer not to read it.

• Honestly, it shakes my faith.

We can be assured that God did not write us a letter in order to confuse us. Although it is true that His immenseness as creator and sustainer of all is beyond complete comprehension, He has conveyed that which he wants us to know. We believe studying Revelation will be a life changing event, and we invite you to join us.

You may register for the class at Check in with if you have questions.